Mugging on the Orient Express

Travelling by train should be a peaceful, enjoyable and smooth experience in which one arrives at their local station, boards a train, finds a seat, reads a book, arrives at their destination, alights from the train, and goes about their daily business. However, t ravelling with Southeastern is like tying a shoelace wearing oven gloves; it’s possible but unnecessarily hard. Today I decided to get the 1053 as I had a meeting in Greenwich at midday. The 1053 gets in to Greenwich at 1132 should the stars align, and those pesky wet leaves keep off the rails. I left home at 1035, walked a kilometre to get there and arrived a few minutes before the train was due to arrive. I had upheld my end of the bargain. Before I could even ask for an Off-Peak return to Greenwich, the cashier told me not to get a train as the next one wouldn’t arrive for at least an hour. Pardon? Yep, I’d be better off getting a bus (a what?) to Dartford and getting a train from the...