Microfiction on a Train

I am accepting commissions Yesterday I caught two trains with my bare hands. Both were late but enough about the failings of the railways. On the outward journey I had an idea while reading Neil Gaiman's excellent Fragile Things . The only writing surfaces I had to hand were my skin and an initially-important envelope. I opted for the envelope and began scribbling. It didn't result in much. On the way home, however, I had another idea: a "fag packet love story". The objective: write a gritty love story that would fit onto a packet of cigarettes and leave a bad taste in your mouth. What I wrote on the train was seven lines of prose, six exclusively dialogue and one line of description. I got home and excitedly read it to my wife, Sophie, who responded politely (her way of saying it's crap - I'm not sure if she's aware of that). I agreed but there was something in those 63 words that kept nagging at me and, after sleeping on it and watchi...