Explanation kills art - Wibblesfield

I saw the quote 'Explanation kills art' a while ago, most probably on Instagram (as a misunderstood creative I have ordered a T-shirt with the quote to deepen my enigmatic persona). Writing, like any art form, is open to interpretation and creating a piece that demands reader participation is something I always seek to achieve. 'Wibblesfield' is dialogue-heavy with minimum description. The dialogue is colour-coded. Wibblesfield “Stop it.” “I’m not doing nothing.” “Do not use double negatives. Yes, you are.” “No I ’ m not.” “You are annoying me.” “ That ’s not my fault .” Newborn lambs lay next to their mother in the field beyond the trees. The train hurried past. “Take your feet off the seat.” “I need the toilet.” “Follow the ‘WC’ signs . ” Some sheep didn’t have lambs. “I couldn’t go.” “Wh y not ?” The girl shrugged. The train slowed to a stop at Wibblesfield. “Wibblesfield. Wibbles field. Wib - balls - field.” “Stop it.”...