The Second Peak

Back in June I wrote two blog posts: one about my training from March to June; and one about my first A race of the season, Q100 . After Q100, I ate and drank for a week with a handful of easy rides keeping my waistline in check. I also got my first Covid vaccine. Training With 10 weeks until Q10/19 on 22 August – my second and final A race of the season – I shifted my training so it was better suited towards my target race. An average week looked something like: Mon – off Tue – vo2 max Wed – easy 90 minutes Thu – race OR threshold Fri – same as Wed Sat – easy / openers Sun – race OR threshold With this configuration of three hard days per week, it was imperative that I kept my easy days easy which, prior to this period, meant sitting up on the hoods ticking over. I read somewhere that riding the road bike on the drops complemented the TT bike position because of the similar hip and torso angle, so I spent more and more time on the drops during these easy rides. ...