Winter Training -- It's All In Your Head

Following on from the last post, I wanted to write about the beginning of the off-season, the psychology that underpins everything I do on the bike and my pursuit to get faster by getting more aero and training smarter. Commuting Attitude Change I've noticed a shift in my mindset since returning to full time work. When I was at Greenwich, I commuted by bike almost exclusively. In fact, I did 42 successive bike commutes from January to when I finished in May. Since starting in Paddington in late July, I've cycled in on average twice a week. I had one hero week where I did it four times, which produced bulletproof legs and, as it was the week before Q50/11, turned out to be a decent boost of volume before I tapered. In November I only rode in five times. Things got quite busy at work and I didn't want to sacrifice the turbo sessions. I had a good chat with Neil Harris in the pub about whether to drop the turbo or commuting miles at this time of year (he fav...