Coaching -- First Impressions

Y axis = TSS. Apologies for not labeling my axes :( Before we get into the blog, I made me a little chart. Blue dots are weekly TSS score, red line is the cumulative average of the previous five weeks. I've picked out my five best performances. Blog posts are self-indulgent. Bloggers are narcissists. I am not exempt from either statement. The following post is going to be a loose collection of my thought processes mainly accrued into these coherent paragraphs in order to observe and attempt to look objectively at the situation I am in, and the decisions I have made. My memory can be really patchy (probably due to a head injury from a bike crash as a child) so this post serves as a permanent memory to which I can return with clarity and at least attempted objectivity. Having run my own PT studio for a few years, the concept of coaching wasn’t new to me. I did however feel there was a satisfaction to be had in beating riders that were coaches, or were coached themselves....