Is this image stocky enough for you? Motivation is something that I seldom struggle with these days. There was a time when I found it hard to motivate myself; if I wanted to go to the gym after work, I'd have to have packed my bag beforehand and employ tactics such as the ten minute rule, where you allow yourself to go home after ten minutes if you want to, in order to gee myself up enough to get it done. Nowadays, motivation is something I seem to have in abundance, possibly too much at times, and I need to hold myself back. That is until it runs dry, which it always does. Let's use the example of running. Although I have probably run thousands of miles as a child in the playground, playing football and playing in general, I remember when I went for my first proper run. I was nineteen and I ran a mile as fast as I could though I honestly have no idea how fast I did it in. The days before Strava were simpler and possibly better... It was awful, rather fittingly I ended...