Poppy Half Race Report

Race three of four (see: Beachy Head & Box Hill Ballbuster ) was the Poppy Half in Bexhill-On-Sea. Held annually on Remembrance weekend, the Poppy Half commemorates the First World War and raises money for worthy charities. Last year I trained for and ran the Half as my first ‘proper’ race at that distance. I have completed Halfs (I know that looks wrong but ‘Halves’ looks wronger 😀) in the past but I haven’t trained adequately, or I've aimed to finish. Last year I raced the distance and completed it in 1:38:02. This year, as I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, my training has been somewhat different. Running took a backseat after Hastings Half in March and, truth be told, has hardly spent more than a long weekend in the front seat. Cycling has been my main form of training with running ticking along in ‘maintenance mode’. There’s no doubt I would get faster by running more but I have struck a good balance between enjoying the training (I’ve averaged...