Beachy Head 10k

I haven’t written anything about training since finishing LEJOG back in July, so it’s about time I write up what I’ve been doing. Yesterday (Saturday 27) I raced the Beachy Head 10k (which is more like 9.3km but that’s not as catchy) down in sunny Eastbourne. Matt, who went on to finish third, signed me up as a birthday "present" and I have to be honest I wasn’t looking forward to it. The timing of the race – a week before my “A” race (more on that later) – wasn’t ideal and I hadn’t done an awful lot of off-road training, other than a semi-regular 10k run around Knole Park with Ironman Tom. I decided to treat it as a “B” race – I'd race all out but wouldn't taper or make any exceptions. E.g. I commuted 40 miles by bike the day before like normal. Regardless of how I felt about the race I’d only ever miss it if injured, and with not even a niggle to worry about, I’d no choice but to show up and see what happened. Over the summer Matt mentioned a possib...