LEJOG - Roundup

For some reason I have put off writing this blog post. That I cycled from one end of the country to the other hasn't sunk in. I hope it will soon. The journey started on Wednesday morning, leaving home at 08:10 to cycle to work in Greenwich. 9.5 hours later, with my mind having been completely occupied by LEJOG the entire working day, I headed to Wimbledon to stay with Hugo, in Wimbledon. It's a pretty direct route from Greenwich, heading to E lephant and C astle then following CS7. The sheer volume of cyclists is like nothing I've ever seen; it was akin to the biggest sportive I could imagine in this country. Quite phenomenal really. There were bikes of all sorts, from the whippets on their carbon frames to the pannier-laden commuter losing the fight against the wind. I was stronger than most - I'd have been worried if not! - passing huge pelotons at a time like they were standing still, eventually reaching the faster guys at the front. Among...