Marital Duty

With Valentines’ Day just past I’ve been thinking a lot about marital duty. Sophie and I have only been married for almost sixteen months, but I don’t think this is one of those subjects that only those with a letter from the Queen should discuss. Rather it is a discussion that I think everybody should get involved in. What does marital duty mean to you? Is it putting your significant other first? Is it making sacrifices for your husband/wife? Is it, simply, being faithful? For me, marital duty is putting yourself in your partner’s situation, and doing what you feel is the right thing . It’s seeing them as an extension of yourself – hurting them hurts you, helping them helps you – and approaching everything with that in mind; you’re no longer just a ‘you’, you are now a ‘we’. I can hear the cries of cry claustrophobia – what of independence? Aren’t I still my own person? Of course you are. Don’t ever lose sight of your individuality and the importance of doing your own thi...